Radiating Rays Ornament


Silhouette of a sensual woman.

“There are women who know how to reincarnate, and these transformations come from the knowledge that you can be anyone if you feel what your strength is."


This is a mystery project for woman who wants to reveal their strength, heighten their sensuality and touch the secret knowledge from the world of eroticism and art.

I will take you through the alleys of ancient legends, show you erotic frescoes and the very first image of women on the planet; you will learn stories of the priestesses from vanished civilisations, the intricacies of their clothing and makeup; we will dive into the secret magnetism of ancient Greek hetaerae and sexual magic; you will begin to understand ancient cults and “read” the rarest and mystical artefacts that I have selected for you; we will arrange a literary evening and analyse one of the most complex archetypes from Homer's book - there are 10 unusual stories about power, beauty, eroticism and the subtle art of being a woman.

Chapters you're going to get to know..

“She is mysterious and disappears in the thick fog; her voice is a primitive call, appealing to nature, and her hair stick to the skin like seaweed…”

Have you read Homer's Odyssey? I will introduce you to the most ancient archetype that will help you unravel the secret of female hypnosis and apply it for yourself, like a black pearl from the bottom of the ocean..

What was the first woman like?

Not fictional characters like Eve and Lilith, but a living one, made of flesh and blood. How did she look like? What about her beauty? How did men feel about her?

We will rewind the history of the world to the very beginning...

The story of a mysterious civilization in which women played an unusual role — we don't know much about it, but what you learn will stir up your sense of self.

We will go to Pompeii, a place where art and eroticism are intertwined like bunches on the thyrsus of Dionysus. Erotic frescoes, priestesses of love, ritual witches – they are topics that are not usually discussed, but they excite the mind...

Many ancient pagan religions had their priestesses in temples, who possessed secret knowledge, manipulated energies, and could influence people's minds. What is their secret?

This story is about sacred eroticism, ancient rituals.


10 inspiring stories, a visual mood board (the study of ancient frescoes and artefacts) and a playlist of my favourite songs in a closed telegram channel.


$49 / £38 / €44 / ¥348


17 Days

Start Date

To be released soon

Access to all materials for 3 months

Write Sapyences.Manager bot to purchase a course.


“Seduction Sessions” is a project that revives women from the ashes into luxurious and seductive ladies.

I will breathe new energy into you and remind you that you are not just a lady, but the embodiment of stunning strength - you just need to awaken it.

Weakness and strength, sensuality and masculinity, power and submission - you will reveal the most diverse facets of your personality, gain self-confidence and master subtle tricks that improve your manifestations.

Séance: "Love Spell"

I'm sure you've dreamed of bewitching a man at least once in your life – the need to be in the spotlight is embedded in our instincts. But how to perform a love spell?

We will make a 'potion' for men, and the ingredients will be our innate feminine qualities and skills.


4 sexual scenarios based on glamorous movie characters; values and insights that will help you attract love into your life, not just admiring glances.

Séance: “Dice”

There are women who always win - they take risks and take the best from life without asking. I will teach you how to manage your energy and go through life with a joker up your sleeve.


Analysis of the concept of feminine energy. Secrets of the 'flow' state. A mechanism for managing your resources for high productivity. A test to determine what is worth investing in base on your personal needs.

Séance: "Healing Poison."

How do women behave when they are embodied by the magic of seduction? This session is excessively poisonous.


The technique of reading other people's minds (the skill of real devils). Lessons of seduction and self-presentation on the example of interesting movie heroines.


Materials in a closed telegram channel, excerpts from films, and a playlist that will immerse you in a special state.


$49 / £38 / €44 / ¥348


11 Days

Start Date

Starts 28th September, 2024

Access to all materials until the end of December, 2024

Write Sapyences.Manager bot to purchase a course.

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